
hum... esta página é antiga (2020): lê o disclaimer ou procura outra mais recente

« experience the creativity, passion and quirkiness of the small web »

"[Editor] What kind of special effects do you want? [Bloodywood] Yes."

Quase a desligar computadores (*)Voltaremos quando voltarmos, mas tentaremos ser bem proveitosos nessa ausência: uma revisão de todo o século XX está nos planos. despedimo-nos com o apelo habitual: assaltem a web, senhores.

Not everyone had access to a good university or the best books available. Sharing things you have learned can help others grow, can help change their lives and relate to your story or learn with you. Having your independent blog is an excellent way to share what you think in a decentralized way, independent of any major company that may add a paywall to it.
in "Why you should have a blog (and write in it)" 21 jun 2020

Em sentido inverso, aqueles que compreendem a importância da publicação indie/alternativa e se batem por ela mas cujo limite do seu entendimento morre na página impressa, favor ide-vos afogar ao mar.

Notámos alguns exercícios tímidos nesse sentido, como a publicação regular de webcomics em portais BD e algumas iniciativas da H-Alt online, exemplos cuja importância ultrapassa as limitações que possamos apontar: venham mais. Mas também melhor: um óptimo passo quando recentemente Pepedelrey publicou um webcomics 25 jul 2020 no Bandas Desenhadas, estaríamos bem mais entusiasmados se também o publicasse no seu próprio sítio jul 2020. Porém, mais um ano perdido. As massas acodem ao whazizfacegramtube aos tumblrlhões, os naysayers (“burro velho”) que se esvaecem para fora da existência batem pé e assustam ainda as gerações a retomar fio à meada, aqueles que podem tentar educar os teens ao maior canal de comunicação global — um tão a jeito à banda desenhada que poderá mesmo condicionar a evolução da dita — não conseguem conceber quadradinhos em ecrãs rectangulares onde já passam a maior parte dos dias. Felizmente burro-velho-morre e lá fora já se faz a passos largos o caminho de volta ao zine electrónico. Rippamos desses para esta nossa última entrada no nosso sítio.

OS POSITIVOS: porque a banda desenhada pode ser palavra feia e um lugar perigoso. Começa pelo lugar, depois vêm as palavras, bring out tha freak.

The internet of today is basically made of a couple of big websites that try to gather every content there is.
  • Most websites today are built with sophisticated content management systems, SEO and social media strategies, multiple plugins, detailed analytics and audience tracking, optimized for different breakpoints and served via a global CDN [that] can dynamically generate hundreds of pages around common search queries.
  • There is so much "content" that is constantly pushed at you as a user that very few of us actually venture out to browse and explore anymore. [...] Instead of browsing, the web is for many an endless and often overwhelming stream of content and commentary picked out by algorithms.
in "Rediscovering the Small Web" 25 maio 2020
But the web is really a lot simpler than that.

The web is not always "profit-oriented". The codes of the commercial web have become so dominant that we have forgotten that the small web still exists and has a completely different priorities. It is worth remembering a website does not have to be a product; it can also be art. The web is also a creative and cultural space that need not confine itself to the conventions defined by commercial product design and marketing. If the commercial web is "industrial", you could say that the small web is "artisanal". One is not better than the other. They serve different needs and both can co-exist in an open web. It would nevertheless be a shame if we only spent time on the commercial web and never got the opportunity to experience the creativity, passion and quirkiness of the small web.

As fun as it is to explore what's out there, the best part is really to join in and make your own website. Not on closed platforms or on social media mediated by ad companies, but simply in your own little corner of the web. You could easily put up those drawings you've been making, share your thoughts and ideas, or reviews of your favourite whiskys.
in "Rediscovering the Small Web" 25 maio 2020

Brindamos a isso.
