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Filosofia: é subjectivo. O que não implica a sua aceitação sem reservas, e esse é um dos muitos pontos a fazer. Antes, de onde escolhemos começar: "The Ethics of Authenticity" de Charles Taylor comentado por "kgspencer" e futuramente comentado por nós — mas time is of the essence.

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Contemporary civilization is often said to suffer from narcissistic individualism, enslavement to technology and institutions, and a loss of political freedom caused by apathy.
in "Charles Taylor’s The Ethics of Authenticity (Chapters 1-5)" 19 jun 2015

Self-fulfillment as a withdrawal from moral concerns

One of the nefarious forms that contemporary individualism takes is "the individualism of self-fulfillment," an ethic of universal respect for other individuals’ ways of life. Though this might sound ok in principle, in practice it manifests as a moral relativism in which all values and beliefs a person has are taken to be valid by the mere fact of being a person’s ideas. The other side of this coin is that nobody should criticize another person’s life choices; to do so, it is thought, is tantamount to an assault on the person’s dignity.
in "Charles Taylor’s The Ethics of Authenticity (Chapters 1-5)" 19 jun 2015

OS POSITIVOS: não estamos em risco de não criticas as escolhas de vida de outros. A maleita maior e ainda outro lado da mesma moeda (que passa agora a ter 3 faces...) é a que se segue:

Criticisms of contemporary culture, which either (a) see it as driven by a powerful but dissolute ideal or (b) lacking any ideal whatsoever, see "the culture of narcissism as quite at peace with itself [and therefore] impervious to argument".
in "The Ethics of Authenticity (Chapters 6-10)" 4 jul 2015

OS POSITIVOS: fuck, dudes! vcs sabem que gostamos de argumentar onde não há discussão possível. A nossa luta:

The "culture of self-fulfillment" is a debased version of a serious moral ideal: authenticity.

Whereas various commentators deride modern individualism as purely amoral narcissism that is impervious to criticism, Taylor shows that contemporary ideas of self-fulfillment are rooted in a deeper conceptual history. While critical of several features of the individualism of self-fulfillment Taylor wants to understand it as a moral ideal with its own compelling force [because] many people feel called to do this, feel they ought to do this, feel their lives would be somehow wasted or unfulfilled if they didn’t do it.

Taylor calls this contemporary ideal "authenticity".
in "The Ethics of Authenticity (Chapters 6-10)" 4 jul 2015

E por isso tem a nossa atenção. A continuar...
