dialética acrítica

Longo título no SOLRAD esta semana, "Towards Critical Histor(ograph)y of Independent Comics & The Dialectics of Technology and Visual Culture in Post-Internet Comics" 3 maio 2023 pela Kim Jooha de quem temos recolhido escritos ao longo dos anos. (Re)Cita-se, revisita várias paragens anteriores, incluindo o muito badalado por cá nos ecos de terceiros Ilan Manouach. Tivéssemos ainda em teses ensaiávamos o breakdown do texto, assim paramos notas pela introdução à vossa reflexão.

The work in our hands did not magically emerge from a vacuum.

When we write the history of the arts, we often focus only on the genius of individual artists and their artworks. The romantic myth of the genius, isolated artists, states that they have a special vision to see through the mere norms of our society, and therefore, cannot be bound to live by these norms. However, just like anyone and anything else in our society, arts and artists are embedded in their society. They do not stand apart from us.
in "Post-Internet Toronto: Towards Critical Histor(ograph)y of Independent Comics & The Dialectics of Technology and Visual Culture in Post-Internet Comics" 3 maio 2023

Se o domínio é arte. Insistimos, fujam dessa, há outras histórias a serem escritas. Julgaram-nos quando nos borrifámos para Festivais de Beja e afins tantos anos atrás — "pouco ou nada nos acrescentou o Festival Internacional de BD de Beja em artes digitais (...) podemos ser desculpados de nos imaginar ainda em meados do século passado no que respeita à produção, distribuição e leitura de BD neste país. Da nossa parte, pouco interessados em voltar tão cedo" —. Radicalismo niilista que se torna mainstream aos bocejos. Kim: "I have argued that comics are the quintessential Post-Internet media (*) "interchangeable with "Post-Digital", as it coincides with the mainstream adoption of smartphones and social media."and studied how Post-Internet aesthetics are negotiated in comics through new genres. Comics are the preeminent element of contemporary post-digital visual culture." Enfim, estas coisas demoram o seu tempo, chegaremos ao dia que muitos entre nós o dirão de boca cheia.

De histórias maiores em cultura contemporânea, com o vosso chapéu às metáforas, senhores:

Any artwork is the result of collaboration between the artists and mediators. At each stage of production and distribution, these mediators serve as subjective filters, shaping the work and its reception according to their own perspectives and biases. Mediators assert their authority as tastemakers by consecrating and canonizing certain works, despite the innate subjectivity of any "artistic criteria". However, in comics histor(iograph)y, the subjective and networked nature of production, distribution, and reception has been ignored.
in "Post-Internet Toronto: Towards Critical Histor(ograph)y of Independent Comics & The Dialectics of Technology and Visual Culture in Post-Internet Comics" 3 maio 2023
