recomeçar, pt2

hum... esta página é antiga (2019): lê o disclaimer ou procura outra mais recente

« sic transit gloria scripturam »

comics & news of old:gettin' back there

Last not least mas em separado, o core das nossas teses onde importa à BD.

In 2019, the written word will begin to taper as the primary vehicle of journalism. It’s been a long time coming. More sophisticated formats are more distinctive. As publishers move towards subscription-supported models, richer content can be more unique, engaging, and memorable [built] around strong, impactful, cost-effective journalism that is more than written words and occasional photos. Text is affordable to produce, but it’s also affordable for others to repost and adapt. Look forward, instead, to short videos, animated GIFs, mini-podcasts, and cartoons.
in "Text hits a tipping point" dez 2018

Claro que continuamos nos atrasos habituais, pelas razões de sempre.

There are significant barriers to this evolution in formats. One of the largest may be the cultural gap between editorial and technology.
in "Text hits a tipping point" dez 2018

No shit.
