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They bypassed all commercial concerns by making work impossible to either move or monetise. Like a portrait rendered in disappearing ink, their works soon vanished.
in "Anonymous, anti-capitalist and awe-inspiring: were crop circles actually great art?" 5 maio 2022

Insistimos no semear de erva daninhas das nossas culturas danadas, a despropósito de crop circles na inglaterra dos finais de 80 "a time of conflict, division and ideological battles",

There was no real profit to be had from crop circles. This, by their very nature, made them anticapitalist, completely at odds with the messages being relayed from the twin powers of Westminster and the City: profit at all costs.

But the circles themselves also reached a level of artistic purity that was impossible to achieve by artists who enter the commercial marketplace of exhibitions, dealers and collectors. Crop circles could never be commodified.
in "Anonymous, anti-capitalist and awe-inspiring: were crop circles actually great art?" 5 maio 2022

Ou quase, afinal... capitalismo!, alguém tem que ganhar. A encher o vazio, obviamente, sempre, e por isso nos merece "aquela" atenção particular: a comunicação social,

The real winners were the news media, who had a story that could run and run, filling large pages during the fallow summer months. A photograph and a few sentences could make a spread.
in "Anonymous, anti-capitalist and awe-inspiring: were crop circles actually great art?" 5 maio 2022

Para outras calendas.

Contextualizado entre reações à repressão das políticas e polícias de Thatcher, "a politicised country controlled by class, or increasingly obsessed by the financial accumulation of the individual",

The esoteric designs represented freedom, trespass and never asking permission.

The crop circlers covertly went about their business [...] unseen and unnamed, always maintaining a code of silence that was mafia-like in its resolve [...]. Theirs was a symbolic act of rebellion against a backdrop of state repression.

Nevertheless, the message sent by their makers remained an entirely subversive one. These works asked the crucial question: who really owns the land?
in "Anonymous, anti-capitalist and awe-inspiring: were crop circles actually great art?" 5 maio 2022

...devolve-nos ao pensamento para hoje, retomando-adaptando o título à peça: se é seguro entre os gentios que os comics não são só para crianças, porque não podemos reescrever (ainda) a história com um "Anonymous, anti-capitalist and awe-inspiring: were crop circles comics actually great art?" Talvez porque lhes falta perguntar algo de crucial.
