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You have the best of times and the best of friends. Then things fall apart. Or maybe things just change. You grow older and you don’t always figure shit out.
in "‘This was our music, and our conscience’: how I fell in love with French hip-hop" 22 abr 2021

Mais linhas às comparações entre música e cenas, começando de comparações que o seu escriba Jesse McCarthy tece com o recurso aos dizeres de terceiros entre os blues, "an impulse to keep the painful details and episodes of a brutal experience alive in one’s aching consciousness, to finger its jagged grain" (*) Ralph Waldo Ellison. Web-mentions: é recursivo! e sonoridades talqualmente imersas duma mesma negritude — "hip-hop is steeped in this sensibility",

French hip-hop? Really? Well, yes.

It pulls me back to a certain time and a certain place. It wasn’t easy for anyone. But we were all there and hip-hop was our music; and because we were adolescents it was also our conscience.
in "‘This was our music, and our conscience’: how I fell in love with French hip-hop" 22 abr 2021

Metade do que nos leem desaprovarão semelhante desinteresse por domínios paralelos: french comics? really? Bem, sim, às vezes. Não se importem demasiado com nacionalidades, nem o french hip-hop é particularmente francês, nem os comics dessas paragens têm-nos o mesmo arrasto que os seus congéneres norte-américas: hexágonos à parte, são semelhanças com outras geometrias que justificam o excerto.

Hip-hop is an adolescent genre of music. Between the lines you can plainly see attempts to tackle critical issues: social inequality, sex, religion, mortality, boredom, fear. But, ungainly and awkward, it indulges in the most ridiculous immaturity. Still, the stupidity of adolescence is not without its rush, its exhilaration. Freshness has its place. The music of our youth is tinged with a special effervescence. It is imbued with meanings we can only barely articulate, coloured with feelings couched in half-remembered conversations, in old friends and half-forgotten crushes, stored amid all the whirring dynamos of the unconscious.

Emotional immaturity doesn’t imply historical insignificance. Hip-hop has registered and encoded this historical narrative and expressed it in a native tongue.
in "‘This was our music, and our conscience’: how I fell in love with French hip-hop" 22 abr 2021

Gostamos do nosso hip-hop como gostamos do nosso punk, e de ambos lamentamos por onde param os tops (*) "Interchangeable Miami Vice sports cars and booty girls" in 22 abr 2021, sonoridades do contra apropriadas pela Máquina de modo tão inescapável. Com a tralha já arrumada, deixamos cair o mic com rimas na nota certa errada:

When I look at the contemporary situation, I confess it’s hard not to get depressed. Nothing seems fresh any more; nothing seems green with life or genuine yearning. Then again, maybe I’m just older.
in "‘This was our music, and our conscience’: how I fell in love with French hip-hop" 22 abr 2021

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