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hum... esta página é antiga (2021): lê o disclaimer ou procura outra mais recente

«some version of this crisis is familiar»

I am dedicated to reading, researching, writing and collecting original source material so as to distill their significance into historical and cultural arguments.
in “'I Felt An Urgency The Publishing Industry Did Not Share': Michael Mark Cohen and Cartooning Capitalism" 22 mar 2021

Bónus em relações de poder com paralelos a adventos históricos cruzado a cómicos + colecionismo cruzado ao “já ninguém faz sites” + DIY cruzado as nossas diatribes de sempre: os nossos destaques da entrevista no TCJ ao Michael Mark Cohen, fundador do Cartooning Capitalism que já nos serviu de referência em ocasiões anteriores (aqui e aqui por exemplo).

Neoliberalism restored the era of Wall Street domination in which the market became the oracle of public policy and the rich got richer while the poor got poorer. As a historian, I find that the past is a resource for the future. And I find it inherently compelling to argue that ‘we've been here before.
in “'I Felt An Urgency The Publishing Industry Did Not Share': Michael Mark Cohen and Cartooning Capitalism" 22 mar 2021

Também nós já estivemos aqui antes diversas vezes, reconhecemos sensibilidades do DIY,

To be blunt, I built the website because I couldn’t find anyone that would publish a book of these cartoons [...] and so I felt an urgency that the publishing industry did not share, and I said ‘Fuck it, I’ll buy me a domain name and build a website.’
in “'I Felt An Urgency The Publishing Industry Did Not Share': Michael Mark Cohen and Cartooning Capitalism" 22 mar 2021

Bónus em bónus, mesmo dia outra publicação outros temas, mesmo recuperar de memória.

The internet is constantly disappearing. It’s a world of broken links and missing files. It doesn’t help that the internet has no attention span and no loyalty. The feed refreshes, and so does the entire topography of the web. But the best hope for holding on to the internet is people. Amateurs, fans, or anybody who has “a passion to save something”.

Platforms die because of corporate decisions that users have no say in. Any world you inhabit can disappear, and it’s more likely to do so if it doesn’t have a real business case.
in "You Probably Don’t Remember the Internet" 22 mar 2021

… aos media,

[In the late 19th and early 20th century] there was little value placed on the concept of journalistic objectivity. Then, as now, so-called journalistic objectivity was a bourgeois fantasy, an illusion pushed by media professionals of the middle of the 20th century.
in “'I Felt An Urgency The Publishing Industry Did Not Share': Michael Mark Cohen and Cartooning Capitalism" 22 mar 2021

...e ao papel que pode caber aos comics na cultura popular, que nos devolve às comparações que agora aceleramos nos trinta segundos que vos temos aqui:

At the end of the 19th century, there broke out tremendous disruptions in the political economy. [...] To organize that growing despair, to narrate that sense of crisis, to educate the public about what was at stake in the accumulation of capital, a radical press emerged in the late 19th century to both draw people into the movement and to strengthen the movement’s intellectual organization. [...] There was a need for people to understand the dynamics of commodity production, the extraction of surplus value, the enclosure of the commons, and the proletarianization of entire generations; all of the things that you can understand if you have the time and motivation to read all of Marx's Capital. Or, just maybe, you can be introduced to these ideas by picking up these cartoons.

Taken together, these cartoons were an enormously effective tool for spreading radical politics in terms that everyone could grasp. [...] I don't want to say that this revolutionary movement thrived because of cartoons (...) but the cartoons have a way of both feeding and articulating this expanding sense of crisis, of expressing this anger and outrage.
in “'I Felt An Urgency The Publishing Industry Did Not Share': Michael Mark Cohen and Cartooning Capitalism" 22 mar 2021

Se ao menos.
Com small print em arte e outros meios porque OS POSITIVOS: temos paixão.

And they did so much more effectively than any other communicative medium I found. Not only was this great art being produced by workers and artist from outside the high art world, but it was outstanding propaganda for a growing movement.
in “'I Felt An Urgency The Publishing Industry Did Not Share': Michael Mark Cohen and Cartooning Capitalism" 22 mar 2021

Ao movimento senhores, ao movimento!

w/ apologies to Art Young

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