up some journalism

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« the system collapses, the only way out is forward »

Somos maldizentes até estarmos todos na mesma página, nessa altura já repetem de boca cheia o mesmo impensável que nos censuravam. Caso-em-ponta, o nosso hard-on pelo jornalismo: como o é, como devia ser. Enésimo (*)Em boa verdade o 4º webinar desta série 29 jun 2020 painel a debater o futuro deste, mas é um tema que se arrasta desde os primórdios do empreendimento. Do painel, o nosso watershed moment:

Our panelists pushed against the idea that this is the moment to save journalism — in fact, ”saving” the industry is entirely the wrong paradigm. The old model cannot be salvaged, nor should it be. “The minute that you realize, wait, my job isn’t to try to save the thing; my job is to reinvent something new — the possibility space expands exponentially”.
in "We need to reimagine a free press for the twenty-first century" 1 jul 2020

Conseguiram. Sobre o eterno disfuncional conhecido reconhecer que há que parar de espancar uma mula morta. Isto é progresso. Mais, aproximam-se de soluções a que somos sensíveis:

Understanding how local residents consume and share information, and what they are willing to trust

If the goal is to keep the community abreast of vital information, both the local news community and local officials must recognize that the traditional manner in which they attempt to connect with local residents is not accessible or fully embraced by wide portions of the community.
in "We need to reimagine a free press for the twenty-first century" 1 jul 2020

Mas nessa dança rapidamente dão uns passos atrás de volta a paradigmas antigos, e segue-se contraste onde se aproximam de princípios que poderíamos apoiar para logo se afastam da nossa confiança.

a) Vai além do $$$:

Answering such questions requires imagination, collaboration, and listening. “We have no metrics for success that aren’t about the industry’s business. We measure money. We measure circulation. But how do we know if we’re serving our purpose?” Talking to communities is an essential step.
in "We need to reimagine a free press for the twenty-first century" 1 jul 2020

b) Mas, afinal aquilo do $$$:

One of the necessary conditions for building a strong free press that serves the public in its entirety is to find a successful financial model.
in "We need to reimagine a free press for the twenty-first century" 1 jul 2020

Porra gente, admiram-se? Para o final, o habitual: jornalistas precisam-se, estes não dominam o básico do seu ofício.

The public needs journalism, and journalists need to ask where the current model is failing, and how it can be rebuilt.
in "We need to reimagine a free press for the twenty-first century" 1 jul 2020

Ask away senhores, ask away.
