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« a permanent redefining of identity »

Segue-se pequena inoculação em autenticidade. Borin', sabemos, e sim, vamos citar de academia-enrolado-em-paper, pior ainda, por sociólogos franceses – que raça senhores, que raça (os socio ou os franceses, vcs escolhem) –, e, insulto à ofensa, divulgado por ecologistas. Mas vale bem o vosso tempo e essa é a palavra-chave: tempo. Adiantemo-nos a esse.

Por cá os jornais alcançam picos históricos mas lá de cima não vislumbram o $$$, cómicos com igual cabeça no ar boicotam BD digital mas apressam-se a montar tendinhas e-shops, e por todo o lado a certeza que a calamidade económica já vem no correio. Das loucuras da sociedade moderna, a mais recente a engrossar normalidade em mudanças de paradigma:

Long based on the clock-time model, societies are now reorganising themselves around the demands of immediacy and fragmented time. A cybernetic logic of time implies the temporal existence of a productive world that must be managed 24 hours a day. With the boundaries between the demands of work and the privacy of home blurred, this new form of employment will need only to build the legal framework for its legitimacy before work enjoys primacy over every other social relationship.
in "The Creeping Advance of Working from Home" 3 out 2019

Uma "primacy" que ocupará o público por meses. Fuck that, fuck them, de pipocas na mão estamos aqui para outro filme. Do pitch:

The spread of this new form of work calls into question the representation of the home as a place of reassurance, protected and protective because removed from work.
in "The Creeping Advance of Working from Home" 3 out 2019

Para melhor explicar a dualidade confrontemos a tríade que decide o nosso tempo: o sagrado, síncrono e o assíncrono. O capitalismo como os teus pais o conheceram favorece o síncrono, esse é constantemente negociado (pun intended!) com o sagrado; o capitalismo que te toca é o assíncrono, o tempo de excepção tornado norma. Os dois primeiros "order and pace the rhythm of the individual and social patterns" em torno de "shared markers of time: clocks and watches", o último destrói a aura dos primeiros, ganha-lhes legitimidade mas perde importâncias (pun!pun!pun!).

Asynchronous life, which in the past was more the result of work in the public interest than the requirements of a productive logic (hospitals, emergency services, show business), is becoming normal and losing its social value.
in "The Creeping Advance of Working from Home" 3 out 2019

Three interconnected temporal logics of time: the sacred, the synchronous, and the asynchronous.

  • The first of these, the sacred, guides and sets the pattern for life’s big moments set[ting] common norms and put[ing] in place prohibitions.
  • The synchronous temporal logic occupies times not governed by the sacred and is normally organised around the times defined by the sacred.
  • The asynchronous is a temporal logic that disrupts patterns, connections, and the hierarchy between the sacred and the synchronous. It is urgency and immediacy which require that one activity be interrupted to focus on another breaking and reconfiguring “normal” working patterns.
in "The Creeping Advance of Working from Home" 3 out 2019

Chegados ao novo normal — não confundir com o natural mas essa é outra história para outro dia — o twist no plot provoca um haze de confusão entre aqueles que seguem o hype e os que não lhe podem escapar:

a number of paradoxes emerge
Our interviewees no longer know who they are or in which spacetime they are in. As the process of working from home becomes more entrenched, the idea of reference points, distances, and identity boundaries becomes ever more blurred.
in "The Creeping Advance of Working from Home" 3 out 2019

Spoiler aos teens ainda não calejados desse high, haverá happy endings, mas no seu contrário —

It is as if several social roles overlap without clearly defined boundaries between them. This sense points to happiness in alienation, or happy alienation. Alienation is understood here to be the dispossession of the individual in the sense of a loss of control to another (be it an individual, virtual collective, network or company). It can reflect an inauthenticity in the existence experienced by the alienated individual.
in "The Creeping Advance of Working from Home" 3 out 2019

felizes em ser miseráveis