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unfollowing the cliché

I had originally drafted a thoughtful piece of comics criticism — having completely bored myself to tears, I decided to start over without trying to tackle theory, technique, history, and the like—instead, following the cliché: “Write what you know”.
in "Why Make Comics About Your Life? November Garcia Muses on Autobio Comics and Their Makers" 29 jan 2020

Autobiografias na BD, ficção como jornalismo e self-serving struggles com oneself. Culpados em grau: começámos antes dOS POSITIVOS, consolidámos nesses, em ’98 (*) matávamos o nosso protagonista de tão embrenhados que estávamos nele(s). Faríamos um mea culpa da nossa contribuição ao género não tivéssemos a insolência! desfaçatez! imprudência? de crer que o mascaramos bastante bem:

Eu gosto de ler os Positivos, existem alturas em que não percebo patavina do que se passa, aquela mistela de inglês e português por vezes é irritante, o desenho é básico, mas acho piada.
in um-dos-B 11 set 2014

*) Para uma timeline dos P+, errr, não tentem. Cingindo-nos apenas às séries principais: a primeira e mais antiga termina um dia antes do presente, depois dessa retrocedemos no tempo, e depois outra vez, e quando avançámos em frente foi apenas para chegar ao passado anterior que foi seguido de outra intitulada — wait for it...Previously, que remete para antes-ou-depois daquele outro passado mais distante. Supostamente, porque nenhuma das séries assume a sua inserção na cronologia geral dos eventos e com anos de intervalo entre leituras. Hey, querem fácil leiam Patinhas ™.

Felizmente começámos a apurar hábitos antes das redes sociais se tornarem o canal de eleição para diários gráficos de meio mundo. Quando estas explodiram já sabíamos como get away with murder à vista de todos, menos sorte tiveram aqueles que chegaram mais tarde:

There are countless memoirists in comics these days, thanks in part to the resurgence of self-publishing, zine culture and, of course, social media [:] a kind of Wild West where sincerity, authenticity, and intent may go unquestioned. Social media plays its role: instant audiences, validation, and feedback.
in "Why Make Comics About Your Life? November Garcia Muses on Autobio Comics and Their Makers" 29 jan 2020

"the webcomics dillema" por John AKA "NHOJ"

I struggle with intent myself. As my audience grows, so does a hyper-awareness— this feeling that someone’s always watching. Thoughts of Post-Worthy Content™ are starting to dominate everything I create. I’m considering a separate “no posts allowed” sketchbook to free myself from self-consciousness.

Memoir can be a ripe platform for narcissism, self-aggrandizement, exaggeration, or navel-gazing. Factor in agenda, and we get masquerade, vendetta, or untruth: fiction as journalism. I think this is where autobio becomes self-serving and we lose that vital connection and resonance.
in "Why Make Comics About Your Life? November Garcia Muses on Autobio Comics and Their Makers" 29 jan 2020

Nossa preferência, simultaneamente cumprir agenda com comics encriptados em x bits de autenticidade que só descodificam sentidos aos que têm a chave. E o texto que hoje trazemos à turma repete a palavra-chave algumas vezes, destacamos esta:

When it comes to content, perspective, and personality, these people also have a little bit of grit, which makes for my favorite kind of people.

What I can perceive as, dare I say, authenticity is perhaps down to directness and fluency of this transfer of thought and experience. That makes for the perfect autobio comic: (…) the psychological notions of positivity and negativity in approaching situations.
in "Why Make Comics About Your Life? November Garcia Muses on Autobio Comics and Their Makers" 29 jan 2020

Acabadinhos de sair do antigamente-bom-futuro-melhor e passar das gerações onde também abordamos comics com poesia, e dias antes mencionávamos o Ivan Brunetti? O “zeitgeist providenciará”, e aqui encontramo-lo a decompor bds no “Comics as Poetry” 30 jan 2020, um Post-Worthy Content ™ que, tal como o seu texto anterior, “Comics as System” 9 dez 2019, pode justificar a vossa leitura. Respectivamente:

In the early part of the previous century, comic strips were one of the main selling points of newspapers. [...] Alas, many newspapers, including weekly papers, have disappeared, and others have largely (and pragmatically) migrated online. Comics may once have been rabbit holes located on finite, tactile newsprint pages, but today we spend most of our time peering through black holes anyway: infinitely deep, interlinked screens. Will print-based static compositions eventually become a quaint thing of the past? Will a new form emerge in their wake?
in "Comics as Poetry" 30 jan 2020
Pictures and words, pictures as words, words as pictures, neither quite pictures nor words: comics are self-contained systems, worlds unto themselves, answering to no one. From one panel, to one page, to one sequence, to one story, to one book, each level of a comic holds a small universe, and each small universe folds out into a larger universe. These systems need basic parameters and a modicum of internal consistency so that they can function not unlike language, but they are also dynamic, fluid, unstable, imperfect, flexible, and open-ended … not unlike language. As we decode them, they reconstitute themselves in our brains as narrative (or poetry, or both).
in "Comics as System" 9 dez 2019

E se estamos em recomendações, no espírito das quatro estrofes com espaço à interpretação ocorre-nos deixar nota ao Joe Decie:

Joe Decie makes quiet comics about smaller life moments...

Anyhoos, continuaremos na senda de novas formas emergentes no wake de infinitely deep, interlinked screens que exigem o decode das narrativas, aos que aspiram a diários do slice-of-life no insta-whats-his-face diluído à compreensão instantânea por terceiros para consumo e descarte, fica o teste proposto:

This all begs the questions: i) Why make comics about your life? ii) What makes you so special? iii) Why should anyone care?
in "Why Make Comics About Your Life? November Garcia Muses on Autobio Comics and Their Makers" 29 jan 2020

As respostas individuais e intransmissíveis. Podes partilhar, só não as contes.

i) Porque. E vocês? ii) Define especial? iii) Não é ao contrário: porque nos havíamos de importar que se importem?
OS POSITIVOS: as nossas respostas são mais perguntas.

moral, comics