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«I don’t read comics, but I love graphic novels.»

So it is not difficult to find people that brush aside comics altogether as unworthy of any kind of intellectual engagement. As it is not difficult either to find people that discuss comics following clues of canonicity and divisions that mimic those from other creative areas.
in "Bande dessinée et littérature: intersections, fascinations, divergences. Vittorio Frigerio (Quodlibet Elements)" 15 jun 2019

Ao 14 e 15 deste mês duas notas em estudos bedéfilos chegaram às netwaves por pesos pesados da crítica nacional. E ao 16 registamos o 15 e 14, OS POSITIVOS: estudos dos estudos dos estudos.

Domingos Isabelinho posta umas "few words that pop on my head" em acelerado — porque "a few years ago I would write a review but now I can't do it anymore." sobre o "Breaking the Frames Populism and Prestige in Comics Studies" 13 mar 2019 de Marc Singer — o nosso zinger aqui. Breve, mas curto, sintetizamos leitura feita na dualidade destes dois cites (mashup nosso, como habitual):

A book such as this one was sorely needed for two decades or more.
Does Marc Singer incur in the same mistakes he accuses others of? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.
in "Breaking The Frames" 14 jun 2019

A lerem no crib dele 14 jun 2019. Complicando, nas páginas amarelas 15 jun 2019 de Pedro Moura outro livro, outro autor, mesmo objecto de investigação: não são os comics, é a investigação dos comics — sabemos que a área está madura quando a academia já encontra razões para se dedicar ao meta-estudo e secundar o seu objecto inicial. Mais generosa a citações, segue-se o nosso/vosso resumo do seu resumo:

Vittorio Frigerio revisits each and every single one of those traits and scrutinizes if they hold water. In his view, these prevalent ideas may actually need revision, for they might belong “more to speech than practice, to projection than actuality, to repetition than to novelty”. This little booklet is, to a certain extent, polemic, in the sense that it wishes to engage directly with a number of arguments that have been made in the last few decades, and very specific authors that have engaged with the bande dessinée tradition.
in "Bande dessinée et littérature: intersections, fascinations, divergences. Vittorio Frigerio (Quodlibet Elements)" 15 jun 2019

Fechamos com PM de quem achámos não voltar a repetir, mas a caminho de se tornar tão parco em palavras como Isabelinho, uma política a rever. O mesmo preconceito: territórios monolíticos que dispensamos, relações íntimas a que nos escusamos.

I believe that we are at a crossroads now where a broader recognition of comics is taking place both in the public sphere and in academia. However, I’ve witnessed here and there two problematic attitudes that stem from the same prejudice. On the one hand, we have the conflation of the incredible variety of comics production and its convoluted, imbricated history into a monolithic territory, to be dismissed as a whole. On the other hand, we find a too definite, clear-cut stratification of the same field of production, that breaks the continuum and intimate relationships of the texts among themselves, in order to create unquestioned evaluation hierarchies.
in "Bande dessinée et littérature: intersections, fascinations, divergences. Vittorio Frigerio (Quodlibet Elements)" 15 jun 2019

Can we get a witness? Nunca fomos grandes em hierarquias — but we're curious as fuck.

( we're dyin' here but havin' fun! )
