the McDonaldization of YOU

hum... esta página é antiga (2019): lê o disclaimer ou procura outra mais recente

« maybe I have just been doing this too long »

Segunda-feira, primeira depois do primeiro fim-de-semana fora já a contar para o verão: obviamente, segue-se exercício depressivo. Substituam UX pelo que vos for mais próximo — nós faremos o mesmo, errr — e tentaremos ser metafóricos nos recortes à peça que vos trazemos. Se não se sentirem especialmente tocados metam-na às teses em "sociedade, jobs e tech/ai/$$$": a desumanização de empregos cada vez mais desprovidos de sentido, autonomia e criatividade não é de hoje — aka flip-a-burger. Hoje, só o calhámos a lembrar-vos — de nada. ...eee terminamos com reminder aos cómicos, porque sim.

Once upon a time organizations didn’t understand us or what we did. The result: We were able to dictate our own process and approach. Each position was unique and we held a certain level of autonomy in how we approached our work. That "once upon a time" seems to have passed. I have been, as of lately, detecting a seismic shift in the user experience profession. I have begun to think of this shift as the "McDonaldization of UX."
in "The McDonaldization of UX" 30 abr 2019

Para o once upon a time já contribuimos os nossos desabafos nostálgicos de eras idas —

Épocas felizes! onde passávamos o dia fechado num armazém de estúdio com duas colunas profissionais a palmo e meio de cada orelha e ninguém por perto que se chateasse com a música aos berros, o telefone mais próximo estava tão longe que nunca decorei uma extensão desde então e contas de email institucionais o domínio de ficção científica. Se precisam de saber, vinte anos going e este gaijo manteve-se estranho e anti-social. Também não me perguntam muitas vezes onde foi parar o telefone que uma vez quiseram instalar na minha secretária…
in Real Nós

— e repetimos registo de uma transição em tons de monday blues pelas mesmíssimas razões.

Maybe I have just been doing this too long and experiencing a sense of nostalgia for those pioneering days of long past. Maybe I’m just getting older or I put my ladder against the wrong wall. But I am not the only one taking note of this shift to the "ISO version" where everything is normalized and standardized. I am not the only one wondering if I should explore other job titles. This wireframing monkey is looking for a different circus. The Happy Meal doesn’t make me happy any longer.
in "The McDonaldization of UX" 30 abr 2019

Mas mais do que nos comiserar – não faltarão oportunidades, está no mission statement dos P+ —, queremos devolver aos teens um quickstart do qual possam começar mais à frente. Continuando de metáforas — cof cof — substituam onde não devem pelo que possam:

Just what I always dreamed of — making a large corporation more money. It only took two minutes to lose me.

There are a lot of UX positions that are not too different from [an] assembly line work. Once hired, I quickly became another station on the assembly line, pumping out screens and specs for developers and having little or no interaction with users. The job descriptions for these positions all called for a critical thinker who worked well in a collaborative environment and could provide "cutting edge" design solutions to whatever problem the organization had. In reality, they needed a wireframing monkey to work up screens and manage the handoff so they could keep the assembly line running and make their release date. Any thinking or proposal that might remotely affect their timeline was quickly quashed. Any design process — research, mapping the experience, design sprints — had to fit into the cookie-cutter model of how products were developed in the organization.
in "The McDonaldization of UX" 30 abr 2019

Cada macaco a seu galho e haverá sempre monkeys felizes de passar o seu dia a produzir relatórios, editar gráficos, corrigir orçamentos, but "ultimately, this becomes dehumanizing when a designer is so bold as to venture outside the realms of established norms in the profession". OS POSITIVOS: pela vossa humanidade a incentivar-vos à 1) aventura fora 2) de reinos e contra 3) normas estabelecidas da profissão — sejam criativos na vossa exploração.

That job descriptions all essentially mimic one another becomes a vital clue in how our profession is becoming standardized [and] require considerably less creativity and thinking. While standardizing the work we do is not necessarily a bad thing, it can be when we allow little or no deviation — no autonomy, inhibiting creative exploration and approaches.
in "The McDonaldization of UX" 30 abr 2019

E apesar de falarmos do umbido, senhores... aplica-se igual à BD. Aquele cite atrás? "Another station on the assembly line, pumping out screens, make their release date, any design process had to fit into the cookie-cutter model"...?

This is what McDonaldization does. It standardizes, delivers a product in high volume (low in quality), streamlines efficiency and exerts a certain amount of social control to standardize the thinking and behavior of designers regardless of where they work. The long game here is fairly bleak for someone who came to this profession because they enjoyed exploring their creativity.
in "The McDonaldization of UX" 30 abr 2019

exploring creativity in bleak places