worlds à-parte

hum... esta página é antiga (2019): lê o disclaimer ou procura outra mais recente

Duas peças online no mesmo dia, duas origens análogas em percursos — autores convidados a quem se empresta do tempo de antena da instituição que não é alheia aos tópicos implicados — duas estruturas semelhantes de análise, e um mesmo tema — mesmo que não pareça. Porque às vezes a relação BD e impressa não é tão anedótica que possa ser despachada num post rápido, tecemos comparações. Do guião: fim de business as we know it. O mercado não acompanhou mudanças de hábitos — qq coisa sobre digital pelo meio —, recap histórico em intro, e novas realidades a terminar. Lidos de enfiada há sentidos que se tornam incontornáveis, deixamos apenas o mashup de linhas a seguirmos.

News businesses have been grappling with imploding business models for more than a decade. New internet technologies empowered new players – mainly Google and Facebook – that have claimed control of distribution and the advertising revenue that goes with it.

We all know that today the news industry is in trouble. Weekday circulation for US daily newspapers, print and digital combined, fell to 35 million in 2016, the lowest circulation since 1945, despite the population nearly tripling during those 70-plus years.

Let’s make a distinction here between journalism and news. News is only one of the many kinds of journalistic output. News as a standardised, non-fiction literary form was invented more than 200 years ago in response to very specific social and cultural conditions, and was ignited by a new technology called the telegraph. The invention of the electric telegraph in the 1830s allowed the fast and international transmission of bursts of information in short, staccato messages, which were, ironically, not unlike tweets. The arrival of instant news transported the middle class from a local perspective to a global one, from a generalised view of the world to one full of specifics, and from a world centred on fiction to one grounded in fact. News became how the middle class positioned itself in the expanding wider world and claimed a distinct cultural identity. This hunger for news was a cultural response to a prevailing sociopolitical environment. Today, nearly every one of those cultural conditions has changed. So, if the context of what we called “news” for nearly two centuries has radically altered, is news still functioning as it should? What is its role supposed to be, and what purpose is it fulfilling? Is news still relevant at all?
in "If news is dying, who will safeguard democracy?" 22 fev 2019

In the last few months, many experienced and intelligent comic retailers are postulating a pivotal moment for the Direct Market. I’m going to argue that as retailers our focus should be working toward the death of the Direct Market. Or rather, I suppose I should say, to stop trying to resuscitate it. Because, folks, it dead.

Surely, we are in a Golden Age of Comics. Comics are kicking butt left and right and nothing seems to be stopping them. On the web, whatever that even means anymore, we communicate with memes and read comic after comic while scrolling through social media. Comics are not dead; they’re more alive now than they’ve ever been. And that’s a big part of why the Direct Market is dead.

The fact of the matter is that comic shops, for all their years of being the gate through which comics are kept, are no longer the only place to find comics. Heck, walk in to your average comic shop and ask for Amazon’s top 10 selling Graphic Novels (updated hourly, their website tells me) and you’ll be lucky to find five of them, I bet… Let me check… Nope, I only have four of them currently in stock and my shop is one of those that go out of its way to focus heavily on graphic novels and trade paperbacks! At the end of the day, the very purpose the Direct Market was made for is GONE. So many factors have shifted and changed in the world of print, the world of comics, heck in the world itself, that the very CONCEPT of the Direct Market is akin to some quaint idea of years past, --- So many realities of printing that drove sales into comic shops, like the newsstand, are dead and so many others are changed irreparably by technology such as eBay, tablets, and Amazon.
in "Dammit Jim, I’m a Comics Retailer, Not a Doctor!" 22 fev 2019

E alguns cites extra em troca-tintas. Nos retailers, sugerem que o futuro passa por uma experiência mais personalizada, ie, local. Vez às notícias:

[There's been a] shift away from a global outlook [&] the decline of hyperlinks [but] despite this trend toward all things local, there has been no apparent surge of support for local politics or local newspapers. The appetite for the “local” is manifesting itself in news [in] a surprising answer: friends and family. Updates about births, deaths, marriages, babies and other family life events are what constitute local news for many people. Celebrity news is another way this “local” interest is manifesting itself. Perhaps we regard celebrities as cousins we don’t see any more.
in "If news is dying, who will safeguard democracy?" 22 fev 2019

O celebridade também não é inocente. Das news devolvemos aos comics: reconhecem o guião?

News is by nature a drama with a calm beginning, a disruption at its core, and the prospect of a resolution at its end. News was never just about transmitting information. When we read news about climate change, or corrupt politicians, we not only become aware of the details of what has happened, but feel ourselves caught up in the drama. We take sides, and we want our side to win.
in "If news is dying, who will safeguard democracy?" 22 fev 2019

Por sua vez os retaillers recordam-nos a imprensa de outra forma:

The general attitude of the comics retailer is one of privilege. I have seen retailers furious about exclusive content at major chains the same way they demonized the same-day sale of digital comics; it’s simply not FAIR for other places to have things they sell as well.
in "Dammit Jim, I’m a Comics Retailer, Not a Doctor!" 22 fev 2019

E igual proposta à viabilidade: diversificar & nichos. Aquilo dos nineties.

the '90s are a mess

The '90s were very rough on comics and comic shops. It was simple common sense that you couldn’t survive without “Wall books,” Magic cards, or something else (preferably multiple something additions) to better diversify your selection for the widest range of people. For a comics shop to survive, they had to do a lot more than they used to, and a lot of it didn’t actually have to do with comics. And then… time marched on. Newsstands began to die; Archie went digital, Marvel made Iron Man an international celebrity, webcomics weren’t just for comic fans anymore. Soon, technology advances and everyone’s gone digital - CEREBUS has gone digital, for Pete’s sake! You can read your favorite comics in hi-res on a handheld device costing as little as $100.
in "Dammit Jim, I’m a Comics Retailer, Not a Doctor!" 22 fev 2019

E onde estamos. O estado da arte em jornalismo mas leiam substituindo por pequenas e grandes editoras, autores indies e as big two, os webcomics rasteiros e os graphic novels de kilo e meio, e tudo o que cai ao saco.

Consumption of information has become a very individual act thanks to mobile devices. This has led to a bifurcation. On one side, we have notifications — think of tweets by fire or police departments, politicians, or big companies. They are bypassing news organisations. On the other side, we have long, collaborative, detailed and expensively produced reporting and investigations that can take months or years. What is left in the space between these two is an increasingly less viable form of news. Buffeted by the twin forces of entertainment and propaganda, news is dying.
in "If news is dying, who will safeguard democracy?" 22 fev 2019

Pós-iluminados, folks? Da relação jornalismo, imprensa, notícias, comics: a coisa revolta-se.

Human civilisation seems to be entering a new phase we could call the “post-Enlightenment”, where rationality and the written word are being structurally replaced by images and emotions. Television is making a comeback, dominating every aspect of our lives and reducing it all to entertainment. At a time when democracy is outsmarted by entertainment, it is at risk of losing its entire purpose.
in "If news is dying, who will safeguard democracy?" 22 fev 2019

OS POSITIVOS: bringin' back tha purpose.

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