crises imaginárias no jornalismo

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Um crossover particular ao nosso espaço em jornalismo e comics no Columbia Journalism Review (*) Aos cómicos: uma espécie de big deal em estudos de jornalismo..

In a new DC Comics series [Heroes in Crisis, a limited series of nine issues], Superman and Lois Lane, his Pulitzer Prize-winning wife, meet a fiendish new foe: a complicated question of journalism ethics. Lois Lane weighs her journalistic responsibilities and opts to publish [uma certa] story. Batman is furious. Superman isn’t thrilled, but as a journalist, Clark Kent backs his wife’s decision.
in "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a journalism ethics quandary!" 22 fev 2019

Um "complex dilemma" que nos permite registar três notas de interesse onde escapam ao escapismo imaginário e devolve às realidades da profissão. i) Primeiro, e para bater bem no ceguinho, a relação comics e imprensa:

It’s at the core of the whole genre. The first superhero, the first person to put on tights and jump over buildings and fight bad guys was a journalist who was in love with a journalist? It’s not a coincidence.
in "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a journalism ethics quandary!" 22 fev 2019

ii) Segundo, aquela dualidade:

Journalists have many competing obligations, which is what makes a situation like this so tricky. Among other things, they are expected to inform the public and help their employer make money.
in "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a journalism ethics quandary!" 22 fev 2019

iii) Terceiro, a anedota :)

Most journalism in superhero comics is still locked into tropes and roles that were established in the forties. In Heroes in Crisis, by contrast, Lois Lane is doing serious journalism — though she still seems to mishandle the obvious conflict-of-interest: her marriage to Superman. In real life, she would have to confide all of this to her editor, because of personal interests. The ethics of Lois keeping Superman’s identity secret I’m sure have been the subject of debate in journalism schools for 75 years.
in "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a journalism ethics quandary!" 22 fev 2019

Imprensa e BD versão spandex, a mais óbvia em cultura popular e $$$, cruzadas directamente num pólo de estudos "sérios". O nosso segway a paralelos como só aqui encontram, mundos à-parte.
