mo' money

hum... esta página é antiga (2019): lê o disclaimer ou procura outra mais recente

Neste espaço desenvolvemos teses paralelas aos media, especificamente imprensa i) escrita ii) tech ii) comix. Se chegaram aqui pelos últimos, há uma série de assunções adquiridas que não vos serão imediatas: my bad. (*) Nope: ur bad. De paralelismos que apenas a nós importa: o Google ameaça retirar o Google News da Europa. Obviamente, sabem onde queremos chegar com essa notícia do search vs subscrição na perspectiva do publisher point of view: porque hão-de as publishing houses continuar a aturar o retail, se podem migrar para o on-demand? Mas estamos a adiantar-nos. Slowin' it down, para efeitos de fábula o resto da história em abstracto, wink wink. Quando em 2014 o Google News optou por sair desse mercado, os mesmos jornais que acusavam o Google de lhes roubar receita registaram uma forte quebra no tráfego dos seus sítios. Mas aqueles que mais perderam? Pequenos ou novos outlets mais difíceis de descobrir. Quem beneficia? Os grandes nomes mais conhecidos entre o público.

Think about what that Spain study found people consumed less of without Google News: 'news that is not well covered on their favorite news publishers.' You know who doesn’t particularly mind that? Those favorite news publishers! Whether or not it’s good for readers, it is certainly better for publishers if you become more committed to an individual news site. In fact, it’s downright fundamental to a business model that relies on readers liking a publisher so much they’ll pay for access to it. (Indeed, as was the case in Spain, this sort of a model is more likely to help bigger, more established publishers than smaller fry.)
in "Google is threatening to kill Google News in Europe if the EU goes ahead with its 'snippet tax'" 22 jan 2019

Subscrições, subscrições, subscrições.

Publishers are more aware that scale is a pipe dream and that they want to own the reader relationship.

By now, publishers (the smart ones, at least) realize that any success at beating out Google and Facebook’s data edge in advertising will only come at the margins. The theme of the day is reader revenue — trading in pageview chasing for ad dollars for loyalty building for subscription dollars.
in "Google is threatening to kill Google News in Europe if the EU goes ahead with its 'snippet tax'" 22 jan 2019

Não que as DC / Marvel deste mundo queiram explicitamente minar as pequenas lojas de BD, mas -- desculpem, perdemo-nos no raciocínio. Voltando à pesquisa, porque haverá sempre espaço para a loja de bairro:

While a shift to reader revenue is probably the best hand to play in 2019, it’s not one most publishers can pull off. Are all news organizations going to say 'to hell with search traffic — kill off Google News, we won’t miss it'? Of course not. Of course publishers are still happy to welcome traffic from search, and they’re happy to monetize it whenever it arrives. But when you’re relying on readers to pay the bills, search is more of a low-conversion top-of-the-funnel investment than the business model itself.
in "Google is threatening to kill Google News in Europe if the EU goes ahead with its 'snippet tax'" 22 jan 2019

Fuck it, sejamos blunts, analogias be damned. As editoras comerciais deverão passar o seu namoro à BD digital ao próximo nível: o modelo económico da subscrição começa a dar de si e a chatice de lidar com o retail como middleman cada vez mais parecerá uma despesa desnecessária.

I note these scenarios to show that the power of platforms — over news specifically, but over, you know, civilization more broadly is being challenged in concrete ways it wasn’t a few years ago. The incentives are a little different for all of the players. It would be very easy to look at the past decade of the news industry and see the power dynamic moving entirely in one direction — from publishers to tech companies. I’m not ready to say that dynamic is now moving in reverse — but it’s zigging and zagging in more interesting ways than before.
in "Google is threatening to kill Google News in Europe if the EU goes ahead with its 'snippet tax'" 22 jan 2019

As dinamicas parecem estar a mudar. Continuaremos desse zigging and zagging.

where's tha money?