a indução dos inocentes

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[ fan based videoclip but u get tha idea... ]

♪ Kupatana community ♪ One day for unity ♪
♪ Gather together in peace ♪ Our Kupatana community ♪

"Comunidade": "unidade" onde e quando é necessário salientar uma "divisão" para com outras pessoas.

Ontem abordámos séries animadas recentes, nas quais encontramos uma sofisiticação de temas e linguagem visual que nos é util à contextualização do actual estado da arte em cultura popular: importa-nos a manipulação de sentidos, sejam eles declarados, ocultos ou até mesmo meramente acidentais. Antes de fecharmos este parêntesis, e tendo demonstrado o tema pela positiva deixamos um exemplo no negativo.

Disney, The Lion Guard, "The Kupatana Celebration": episódio 6, série um, emitido originalmente a 12 fevereiro 2016 algures no mundo e revisto semanas a fio em nossa casa porque os wee-ones estavam enfeitiçados pela sua música.

Ah, o Kupatana, o dia mais especial do ano inteiro. Sente o building up para o evento, quanto todos os animais das "Terras Orgulhosas" se juntam lado a lado em amor e harmonia. Destaque nosso.

Naturalmente o flipside desse discurso será que quem se quiser aproveitar desse dia para outras razões é necessariamente o ser mais desprezível à face da terra. Como poderia alguém de bem e boa vontade não celebrar o dia em que todos celebram e se contentam com o seu lugar numa sociedade estratificada?

Kupatana:entre os adultos a fantasia tem outros audiovisuais.

"A Purga"

Center stage no espetáculo de tudo o que é bom e puro, segue-se a conspurcação.

From here, I’ll be damned if the message isn’t about the dangers of letting in refugees/immigrants.
in "Almost Too PC to Function: Racist Messages in Children’s Shows" 15 abril 2016

Long story short, os nossos heróis recolhem uma família de forasteiros, e estes revelam-se dissimulados e pérfidos. Nenhuma novidade aqui, todas as histórias da carochinha têm os seus vilões. A novidade: a malvadez não se cinge às personagens em particular, mas a toda a sua espécie — e por "espécie" querem dizer "raça" ou "etnia". Ciganos, pretos, ou sírios. Qualquer um que faça de "outro". Mexicanos e muçulmanos ao topo da lista, considerando que os chacais são predominantemente cinza mas na Disney fizeram do brown o seu principal pantone. Daqui em diante é difícil não tecer mais comparações com algumas realidades históricas — antigas e actuais.

The obvious message: Don’t trust people different from you.
in "Almost Too PC to Function: Racist Messages in Children’s Shows"

Segue-se a música que estas criaturas desprezíveis que vieram até à nossa terra e que abraçamos na nossa comunidade cantam:

♪ Our kind is born a bit smarter ♪
♪ Than other creatures you might know ♪
♪ And though we seem quite pleasant (SNORING) ♪
♪ Our niceness is just a show ♪
♪ We've learned how to beat the system ♪
♪ Everyone else does our work for us ♪
♪ But before we can take advantage ♪
♪ First we have to win their trust ♪
♪ So listen up ♪
♪ Pretend to be sweet ♪
♪ Speak with a smile ♪
♪ Then you can take things jackal style (SQUEALS AND GROWLS) ♪

♪ Even if you're mad ♪
♪ Play it cool for a while ♪
♪ That's how you fool 'em jackal style (GROWLS) ♪

♪ Don't gather food or build a home ♪
♪ There's plenty here for us to take ♪
♪ Working hard might be good for others ♪
♪ But we get by just being fake ♪
♪ By being fake ♪
♪ Pretend to be sweet ♪
♪ Pretend to be sweet ♪
♪ Speak with a smile ♪
♪ Speak with a smile ♪
♪ Then you can take things jackal style ♪

E piora. Segue-se a limpeza ética e uma moral arrasadora a fechar:

Notaram? As duas "comunidades"...? Em confronto. Com o reforço da mensagem inicial, caso houvem dúvidas:

E aqui a resolução e moral do episódio. Ver. A estrutura narrativa deste segmento... perfeito. Um Goebbels não podia estar mais orgulhoso.

Kion and his buddies are racist on the regular.
in "Almost Too PC to Function: Racist Messages in Children’s Shows"

Este lamento é bastante completo, merece uma condecoração em semiótica honorável:

How could you, Simba?? You were raised by a male interspecies couple!
in "Almost Too PC to Function: Racist Messages in Children’s Shows"

In this episode, a family of jackal trick Kion into letting them into the Pridelands during a celebration of peace, where they commence to lie and sweet talk their way around before crashing the party by trying to eat the guests. They are of ‘course eventually chased back to the outlands and Simba, who started the whole mess by telling his son it was cool to police to outlands on a holiday, then pats him on the back for giving the dirty outsiders a chance. Just let that be a lesson to you that they’re really not to be trusted and ‘everything has its place’. That last line by the way, was literally how the episode ended — the final moral.

It’s unfortunately all too easy to read things this way: one day, the prince asks his father if he can intervene in a conflict outside their territory; primarily because he doesn’t agree with the way the banished people are acting, despite them being beyond their jurisdiction. While normally this isn’t allowed for obvious reasons, today is a special holiday of peace for their people! These savages ought to adhere to the holiday too! So the (very arguably oppressive) nation sends their peacekeeping force into the other region to basically insist on their traditions being recognized.

We haven’t even gotten to the ‘fake’ jackals yet and there’s already reason for concern. So what happens next? Well, the kind prince decides to invite someone from this poor place to immigrate into the more prosperous nation. ‘course it was all a trick and the jackal pup brings his family (of many) with him, his mother having made a plan the entire time to sneak into the Pridelands and drain their resources. It was all along the poor taking advantage of the nice rich people.

Is this rhetoric sounding familiar yet?

They’re given a designated location to behave in, but continually mess up. They steal and lie and generally ‘cause a fuss — when confronted, the jackal keep claiming ‘we’re unfamiliar with your ways’, but as a way of feigning innocence to cover up the fact that they are in fact there to steal. This almost seems like a subtle suggestion that anyone claiming cultural differences is a liar. While the main pup briefly has a moment of questioning his parents, it’s quickly moved past and not addressed again. The jackal return to being one troublesome whole instead of individual characters.

So, eventually the problem is fixed by deportation and everything is returned to as it should be, where ‘everything has its place’.

There were way too many little details informing a different narrative than ‘some people are fake’ — from commentary about and treatment of the jackals in the first place to Simba’s declaration that the holiday applies to the outlands — even though a) ‘there’s never been a guest from the outlands before’, because b) they’re not invited as they’re not allowed to actually leave the outlands, and c) they’re already starving so the ‘benefits’ of the holiday do nothing but torture them pointlessly by insisting they must participate while remaining apart. In this case, Janja laughing in their face was entirely appropriate.

Ignoring all this subtext, even as an intended lesson about ‘fake’ people it falls short. What they unintentionally created instead makes for a much stronger message that overshadows it.

This will absolutely be the last episode for me until I hear about some kind of marked improvement, because the lessons of ‘everything has its place’ and 'you really can’t trust a dirty outsider — they’re all the same, but what a good person you are for giving the dirty savages a chance’ are not okay lessons. Oh, and let’s not forget ‘put the problem back out of sight where you don’t have to worry about it — banishment fixes everything!’

It felt like some sort of conservative, pro-ethnocentric moral lesson against immigration and ‘lesser’ social groups.

in coltara.tumblr.com
